Authenticity is easy if you just follow these steps.


Just the other day I had a deep conversation about lying. I felt it so revealing and transformative that I absolutely had to share it with you. I know today’s share might be a little testy, but I’m certain you can handle these waters.

So, what’s the harm in a lie?

We are usually taught as children not to lie. Ever. But, who on Earth has never lied?

I’m addressing this touchy subject because it is shrouded in guilt, shame and fear…and no one dares to unveil it. But, in the shadows lies an opportunity to practice authenticity and radical self-acceptance. Basically, I want to show you how to love yourself through the lies.

Sometimes our lies are big and sometimes they are small. But, I guarantee that at the heart of the lie is a desire for something that one does not think it is possible to attain legitimately. Lying is a manipulation and a survival strategy.

In fact, not all lies are necessarily bad. If a person lies to an abuser to prevent the abuse, it’s difficult to promote the truth isn’t it. Dangerous or volatile situations might necessitate strategically moving out of the crisis by finding one’s way through the cracks and telling a bold-faced lie!

This conversation is more to address the small lies we tell when we didn’t have to because we didn’t want to face disapproval or lose out on love. The problem with these lies is that when we do them the resounding message, we give to ourselves is that we are not worth what we want. In a flash, we cut down our own value and virtue, and though we may get what we want in the moment we know we weren’t being our true authentic selves. It’s like cutting down our power lines and leaking our energy.

The meditation here is to ask oneself why we are hiding? Surely, it is connected to traumatic events from our past. We then need to clarify to ourselves that those events are not happening (unless they are) right now and take the risk of being real.

Most people tell a lot of tiny lies about themselves most especially to themselves. If this wasn’t the case no one would be searching to open their third eye to see and know the truth. Do you follow?

So next time you find yourself a little tongue twisted skip the guilt, shame and fear and understand you are trying to survive. Be kind to yourself, and then ask yourself ‘Do I really need to hide?’ You might, but the greater chance is you can just open up and be yourself and feel good about it, whether people like it or not.

Authenticity is easy when your emotions are unblocked and your energy is flowing, and tough when we’re tense.

Make it a priority to take the edge off.


The tides have turned.


How do I heal from the past when I get triggered all the time?