Chronic anxiety does have a remedy.


These days anxiety is more real than ever. Not to mention people feel just plain overwhelmed. In today’s share I want to give some valuable tidbits on how to deal. 

Anxiety does have a purpose. It’s part of your emotional intelligence, and emotional intelligence is there to give you good clues as to what is going on in your environment and how to respond to it. Your anxious feelings or emotions are all about processing the energy you’ve been exposed to and letting it go. Your feelings are trying to help you. Your emotions are there to help you process frequency (energy) by letting you feel the frequency (energy) as an emotion and therefore let it go!

The tricky thing about emotions is that we can also produce them inorganically. They can be induced. We can create anxiety by telling ourselves we should be anxious. In our current culture, we are so overwhelmingly exposed to people and information telling us we should be anxious! Then boom, we are back at square one.

Anxiety is an overwhelming feeling that something bad is going to happen. When we develop chronic anxiety, we become obsessive in our anticipation constantly fearing for the worst. Chronic anxiety can be the result of being exposed chronically to bad information, and that bad information isn’t even necessarily true!

If most of our anxiety is coming from outside sources, simply limiting our exposure, or having good discernment between your feelings and those coming from your environment, without feeling the need to ‘fix’ it, would solve the issue. But, what was external, can become internalized. We can begin to believe information that tells us we should be anxious about everything and make it our TRUTH. This takes more work, because beliefs are about survival, and in overcoming the belief, we’ll inevitably have to face our fear of death, even if only metaphorically. The thing is, 9.9 times out of 10 when you question the belief, you’ll realize not only that you’re not going to die, but that you are, in fact, loved.

Don’t be afraid to confront anxious feelings. Talk to yourself. Ask yourself what exactly you are afraid is going to happen, and then talk yourself down from that ledge. The power is in your hands.

The process of questioning and feeling are fundamental intuitive skills. It’s true that sometimes we can just get so caught up that we lose touch. If this is you, I have a remedy. For those of you who have found your sweet spot even during a pandemic, high five.


Don’t let doubt hold you back from everything you’ve ever wanted.


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