Let’s talk about your relationship with pleasure.


This is ALWAYS a fun one. 

Usually, when this word “pleasure” gets brought out of hiding, some of us immediately think of sex (let’s be honest), and sexual pleasure is definitely the hot seat of the Second Chakra, even by virtue of its location, two inches below the belly button. But, the Second Chakra more realistically dictates our relationship with ALL forms of pleasure. The pleasure of seeing a good friend, eating good food, of being able to use the bathroom when we need to! There are a million and counting different pleasures available to us on this planet. Ironically, whenever I ask people about what makes them feel good, what they enjoy, so many are stumped, and don’t really know what to say. We’ve become disconnected from our sense of pleasure as a society.

Ironically, there is endless over stimulating “pleasure-seeking” entertainment available to us 24/7. These contrived forms of pleasure steal our attention, projecting certain kinds of energy toward us that we feel, but that energy is not generated from within us, so it has little to do with our intuition. It’s more like being told what to feel. That’s how overstimulation can harm us. 

Developmentally, in early childhood, children NEED to play in order to develop their Second Chakra. Play is a form of training to learn what feels good and what feels not so good, to learn what we desire authentically. This becomes our intuition, our yes and no feelings. So, if we don’t give enough time to play, we lose it. Intuitive development requires a lifetime of continuous play and connection with our yes and no feelings to truly be alive. If we don’t give time for pleasure, we feel dead or conversely, we form addictions and obsessions with specific forms of what we think feels good, repressing and disallowing other pleasures in our life!

The Second Chakra is where the sperm meets the egg. In the human body, it is literally the place where creation happens and is responsible for our sense of creativity. The ability to express ourselves and fulfill our own authentic desire is restored when we are connected with this chakra and the seat of our own creative energy. The power to heal ourselves is creative energy. 

Naturally, if you want to use your voice and speak your truth you need your Second Chakra!

Here are some ways you can help to balance your Second Chakra:

  1. Dance and sing!

  2. Eat and sleep when you need to.

  3. Anything that promotes physical healing and touch like taking a bath and massages.

Are you ready to open and heal your chakras?


Let’s talk about the First Chakra and shame.


I followed my heart and things still didn’t work out.